"A place where people may frequent but do not remain"

The Torrance Barrens parking lot is along the Southwood road (District Road 13). The Southwood road may be accessed in two ways:
1. Travelling north on Highway 11
If you are traveling north on Highway 11, there is an access point to District Road 13/the Southwood road between Gravenhurst and Washago. You will be turning west (to the right). Drive for about 20 minutes and you will see the Torrance Barrens sign on your right.
2. Travelling in either direction on Highway 169
The Southwood road can also be accessed from the village of Torrance, in between Gravenhurst and Bala on Highway 169. Keep your eyes peeled for the restaurant "Pie" or the "Clear Lake Brewing Company". These two establishments mark the entry to the Southwood road. Stay on the Southwood road for around 10-15 minutes, turning left at the second train-track crossing (there will be clear signs for the Torrance Barrens). After the left-turn, you will find the Torrance Barrens sign on your left, after another 5 or so minutes.