"A place where people may frequent but do not remain"

Website Photography Contributors
The creation of this website would not have been possible without the generous photographic contributions from the following people

David "Hap" Wilson, co-owner of the Cabin Falls Eco-Lodge in Temagami, eco-trailbuilder and photographer. Recipient of the Bill Mason Award for lifetime achievement in River Conservation and one of Canada's leading environmentalists. Award-winning nature writer/illustrator of 13 guide books. Co-founder of Earthroots Group. Currently resides in Rosseau, Ontario with his partner-wife wherein they accept commissioned projects involving their knowledge and skills.

Daniel Silver is a passionate environmental scientist. He holds scientific degrees from McGill University and the University of Toronto. During his time in academia, Daniel conducted environmental research in Kenya, the Canadian Rockies, and Muskoka, Ontario. He has worked in the environmental consulting industry and, more recently, the public sector. In his free time, Daniel loves nature photography and spending time in the outdoors.

Janet Davis is an award-winning, Toronto-based freelance writer and photographer whose words and images have been featured in numerous books, magazines and newspapers. She has a cottage and wild meadow garden in Muskoka and loves spending time tracking the seasons in the Torrance Barrens.

J.Dell, credits her diverse educational background and management consulting to her inventions, designs and literary works. She resides in Muskoka where she produces commissioned artwork involving a complete array of design creation to completion in marketing, advertising and promotions for individuals and organizations.

Hana Hlavicova, educated in the Czech Republic and in Canada, having worked as an electrical technologist in Canada, she always had a longing to reside close to nature. The Raven is her spirit animal which somehow gives her the ability to communicate and get close to wildlife, wherein some of her amazing photographic works are captured. Crocheting exclusive items and tablecloths as well as travelling and gardening keep her busy. She resides with Misha in the Township of Carling along the shore of Loon Bay

Sarah S. is studying Wildlife Biology and Conservation at the University of Guelph. When her schedule permits, she conducts studies in and around the Torrance Barrens, as this is her favorite place which she can readily access. She is an avid birder, naturalist and photographer. Since 2021, she has helped with many projects involving bird banding; at the Prince Edward Point Bird Observatory and at the Red-tailed Hawk project.